Assemblers are Creator Tech and can be found on all Progenitor ships and Discovery Landers, as well as at the Hub. They are generally used to fabricate objects and can only replicate what the user has scanned (by placing it on a pad attached to the Assembler) or can fully convey (via the Creator interface). You can then have a copy made by that Assembler, or any other Assembler in any Creator transpod locations.
The larger the object and the more complex materials it requires, the more power it takes to replicate.
No resources are required except Proten power. Severe use can drain Protens on a Discovery Lander, requiring them to be recharged. This will happen slowly via solar power charging, but many Hub worlds will set up other ways to recharge them faster (coal, nuclear, hydro etc.).
If jumpers want access to something they did not scan or are unable to convey to the interface, most developed systems have local dealers who have scanned a wide range of materials and supplies (and thus can create some or all of what jumpers need). This is an expensive proposition, however: access to Assemblers is highly limited and regulated, so procuring novel equipment comes at a steep cost.
There are species in the Unioverse who have f9MO4vA5w6FyH/sJcZYORacIjUNFgEEXQthwAJtn+j CbpiEsmLCd1eLV4JSuJiojIMk6Xp8joCq0loYRLLhUGp0VrH9SOYtYTj+qoqbsIMB7pXswQipNiupLlBo2BPfq2MGhUluRotXCyGnsuE+siGYXAlhAX+nPbQWowjTUE1hPryw4ZhV2wPXFgOlvD3wwJ+PB9jMkYhnBTqSDBcFlewbN3HpYtMif18WDqgl8fOsZa/gfyKL+DU2FxjZyZAmDkFP0lsQ4RjyhP4jaKPNJgZNHCBLbi8bJ+CvUMf/l8a9s85qLTjY/VLcqA2FXkuW75lb9/keioSJ6UZtl3ySncg==
Example Uses
- You can't duplicate a Proten; the Creator Tech will not allow it.
- Some dangerous materials cannot be replicated.
- You can duplicate seeds and they will still be viable (this is possible because seeds are not alive in a biological sense until water is introduced).
- You can duplicate a plant, but it will die.
- You can duplicate a carrot and eat it.
- You can duplicate a creature, bacteria or virus, but it is not alive when duplicated.
- However, you could then harvest its DNA and clone one that is alive, using conventional technologies.
- You can duplicate thousands of bars of gold, and build a structure out of them. (But this would take a long time and monopolize the Assembler.)
- Different objects require varying amounts of time and energy to replicate.