The planet of Amdurahh is believed to be cursed due to its “rogue moon.” Before the planet was populated, a large chunk of the moon’s mass was cracked off by a meteorite, causing the lunar body to spin wildly in erratic orbit. Since then, every night the tides of Amdurahh rush in and cover the world in water… only to radically drop at dawn, turning the planet into the largest tide pool in the galaxy.
While most races would have perished long ago, the agile and amphibious SamShun use the daylight low tides to skillfully hunt the panoply of sea monsters they share their planet with. Harvesting the parts of the monsters with shamanic powers (teeth, stingers, etc.), the SamShun have become renowned galactic traders and amassed a fortune in Protens. KKO8UlP+PytpZcfPofbV0MoV5x5t+6xqaFAtk8UYVLTrP7YOSM29 wvdQDKtnwJ/kbTgi0E/leWh/dmyHv9gq1970uD4B0feL58MvkhbU/UHKrHJFdcNl071lFWcAosszFyxF8ee/CAH9z20Sncc0yw2zZVNS6wlCgwxOoos7xl8CcGhaQwf1Id0NrqDa87QEwK0c1fLXSGN6oKYAivnSgtpc2uQfEpfp16Nw3SHo8x+60Gk++ZQaCQ==
Violent ocean waves crested at least ten feet in the air on both sides and slammed against the metal pilings, shaking the entire platform and causing him to stumble left then right. The city was out of range of the torrential waters, but it sounded like ferocious animals roaring below. “Unspoken Truths” by Kenneth W. Cain