The Anuuk
A previous civilization on Ceiba.
Believed to be highly intelligent sentient beings that underwent irreversible augmenting of tech with their bodies. Believed to have abandoned Ceiba to survive a catastrophic event. The exact details of that event remain uncertain. We have not found any evidence of craters that would indicate meteor impact(s).
Scientists suspect that at one point there was a rise in global water level due to remnants of fissures in the landscape (possibly due to cyclic gravitational forces over millennia, frequency unknown). This may well tie into the inscriptions seen within the temples indicating large leviathan-like creatures overtaking much of the mainland during this period.
So far, we have uncovered schematics of a large ship in some of the Anuuk archives; this data has proved very difficult to extract due to our limited understanding how their tech works.
It is clear the Anuuk worshiped the Discovery Lander and the Servitors, historically evident by their temples of worship.
We believe at one such time they had previously jumped to the Hub. It would also appear to be obvious given the representation of the Astrograph atop of the temples.
Historically on Ceiba there were no Protens anywhere within the cities where the Anuuk once dwelled. Although the Lander still had its Protens supply, the Servitors' Protens were drained of their charges. This leads us to believe that they ran out of time before the exodus from Ceiba, leaving the Lander's Proten supply untouched. Thus, we are left to consider that perhaps their quest for further technological advancement fuels their need to obtain Protens regularly, as it may be a limiting factor for them in the void of space.
Speculative Suspicion: Based on intel gathered from various criminal elements, the Anuuk may be responsible for the pillaging of the Progenitor Ship on Mars, as well as other marauder-like behavior.
Shaun Tagatoa