Timeline Overview
The Creators build the Masson Zero and The Hub to locate and connect life throughout the Unioverse.
This period refers to all post-Creator civilizations using the Mass-O to converge at the Hub. In this cycle, five original races (Origin 5) discovered and used the Mass-O for millennia, discovering dozens of new worlds, before suddenly disappearing without a trace.
Something cataclysmic happened and the Creator Tech locked Hub access to all Lander locations discovered in the First Cycle. All the Origin 5 tech and structures built at the Hub were abandoned overnight, as though everyone simply disappeared.
All Hub worlds were locked for millennia until humans found and repaired a crashed Progenitor ship on Mars (see below) and then managed to unlock access to the Hub. Once at the Hub, humans were able to unlock additional locations.
The events leading up to Helios Discovery (HD):
- 40,000 BC: A massive solar flare causes a Progenitor ship to crash into Mars; Discovery Lander never gets to Earth.
- 2044 AD: First manned mission to Mars
- 2089 AD: Permanent Mars colony created
- 2130 AD: Mars planetary exploration begins
- 2142 AD: Progenitor Ship discovered on Mars; excavation starts
- 2145 AD: Malcolm Orion jumps to the Hub -- now known as the year 0 Helios Discovery (HD)
Humans find a crashed, fragmented Progenitor ship buried beneath the sands of Mars. Years are spent digging it out and exploring the broken husk. Inside are a number of Discovery Landers in various stages of "gestation"; eventually, mankind is able to provide power to the Creator Transpod in one of the Landers. Malcolm Orion is selected to make the first jump (although at the time, scientists had no idea what would happen to him when he went into the transpod); this begins the Second Cycle and is now known as the year 0 Helios Discovery (HD).
NOTE: The crashed Progenitor ship should have been able to repair itself over time, but its entire supply of Protens have been forcibly removed, leaving it inert. While it will take a long time for humanity to solve the mystery of the crashed Progenitor ship, the theft of the Protens indicates that there is an alien species in our system or one within sub-light-speed distance.
Malcolm Orion's arrival on the Hub in 0 HD, and the reawakening of the Mass-O system, is the accepted beginning of the Second Cycle. The year is currently 493HD.