Creator Tech


Creator Tech is the general term for "things the Creators built." It is exotic, semi-organic tech, visually unique, and can't be replicated; it can replicate itself, however. It can also self-repair, as long as a Proten energy source is provided. It's characterized by blue lights, strange metals and glass-like surfaces.

Creator Tech will also adapt to its environment, and its extensions, such as Progenitor Ships and Servitors, are fully capable of using shields and self-repairing, making them very difficult to damage or destroy.

Servitor Leviathan
Servitor Leviathan

Relative Sizes of the Mass-O, Progenitor ships, and The Hub

The Mass-O is approximately 4000km in diameter, while each Progenitor ships is 70km long, dwarfing the Hub, which is about 50km at its widest point.

Describing Creator Tech

Creator Tech performs only a few functions, and largely relies on symbols to indicate what it does. The interaction is projected into the mind of the user; there is no keyboard or screen to access. There is no massive, omniscient database to query. It is intentionally designed to be foundational, and Merge tech was built on top of it.

Core Functions

These are some of the core functions Creator Tech provides and can all be accessed from any Creator transpod, on a Progenitor ship or Discovery Lander, or at the Hub. If a system has built its own transpods, some of this functionality can be accessed.

  • Capture / save a skin. This is a quantum-level capture of a sentient being's every cell, allowing for perfect fidelity when creating a skin.
  • Replicate a skin. Select a skin and request it to be replicated into an empty transpod. This consumes a significant amount of Proten power. It is important to note that only Creator transpods can replicate a skin.
  • Jump: Move a consciousness from one transpod to a blank body in another transpod. The system will not let you jump into an occupied body, nor will it allow you to force someone to jump against their will.
  • Data Transfer: The Hub acts like universe-scale wifi. Anyone can send data through its network to any other Creator Tech node. However, there is no inherent "Creator network," so the Merge created one using this transfer feature. There is nothing stopping other species from using it the same way.

A note on "blanks" (a body with its consciousness jumped out of it): blanks are only created in current tech transpods; Creator transpods atomize a body after a consciousness has jumped. Skins in Merge transpods can be put in stasis chambers for "long-term storage."

Other Notes on Creator Tech

• Transpod blueprints are given to the representative who first arrives at the Hub from a new Discovery Lander so that they can go back and build out the planet’s transpod network if they have the technological capacity to do so.

• Creator Tech self-repair takes a long time (from years to generations, depending on the extent and nature of the damage). ehYBV84MY6dpu7fg0suASmkv80/sTurzhnFtfGqm0a/05uJWw6SqN1ffud4F9IAMiVtVCwy F5dXK4qcaNOpECb5Zke6pAUV4ruiXSBHCa4UmWbDrLA1uSu7p7dZLrPLOjN+3+LIUbq9DOvrOcMVIOfzNOuVkceLJHemqSAvIvTVpqhffG+HtRW2J5TiWYFVs90PcWOF9hAD1lYRu5IP8AJAjQkzWuQQm

• One of the guiding principles about Creator Tech: the Creators took a long view of time. Repairing a damaged ship may seem like it should happen faster when seen through a mortal lens, but Creator Tech is designed to last millions of years. The search for life in an almost-light-speed reality is an extended endeavor, one that is measured in time increments almost unfathomable to most sentient beings.

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