Final Appeal to Helios Mergence (NEW)
Ceiba's contributions to the intergalactic community center around the unique interaction between Protens and Ceiban ecosystems.
During the Annuk exodus from Ceiba, an Annuk ship transporting Protens crashed in the jungles of Ceiba. The wreckage of this ship can be seen in what is now known as the Proten Cave.
The Proten crystals in the ship shattered into a fine powder when it collided with the planet, dusting the cave's walls, floor and ship's wings. The Proten powder is believed to have trigged a chain reaction of newly evolved biological Proten molecules with remarkable and possibly groundbreaking characteristics.
These unique Proten molecules evolved and formed within and around the cave, resulting in the emergence of unique and newly formed Proten species and plants, including:
Mounds much like ant hills, only signficantly larger, can be found deep within the Ceiba forest. During the rainy season, bat/scorpion-like pests emerge from these structures in search of food. These bat/scorpion hybrids are known as "Baceipions." They roost in a cave filled with Proten crystal formations several hundred meters from the hill's outlet. Baceipions are not well understood; all that is known is that they fly at night and hunt out prey on the ground, and only emerge once the cave is flooded during the rainy season.
The Ceilefians uncovered approximately 200 cave inscriptions engraved across a 6-meter span within these cave walls. Deciphering it revealed not only evidence of an ancient Ceiban civilization, but also the cause for the Proten Spelothems and the origins of the Proten Leaf (Ravina Manga), blue meat fish (Trondro Manga), joy waters (Rano Fifaliana) and plunge pool monster (Mpa-Mono).
The Proten Cave’s entrance is hidden from sight and was naturally caverned out by numerous subterranean water channels that proceeded from the crash site within the cave.
The Proten Cave floods during the rainy season. Rainwater mixed with Proten powder residue flows out of the cave mouth and into a waterfall plunge pool. Along the waterfall pool's edges, a plant with blueish blooms grows. The blueish petals of the Proten Plant open up after the rainy season. At this point, the plant's leaves are ready for harvest. The leaves of this plant offer medicinal benefits. Because of the plant's healing properties, locals refer to it as the Proten Leaf, and it has become Ceiba's most valued commodity. The Proten Leaf can instantly heal wounds, restore partial vision, and add one moon cycle to a Ceiban creature.
According to the Ceilenuuks (Temple Dwellers), Proten pollen of the Proten flower may contain special powers. The Rezeev believe it may hold some sort of poison, but the Ceilenuuks say it can be used for purification during a temple gathering.
Trondro Manga may be found at the waterfall plunge pool, also referred to the “Dobo Manga Maty,” which translates to, “Dead Blue Pool.” This fish species has a bluish hue to it, the color of Protens. When the fish is cooked, the meat turns white and has the ability to restore memory. But not just a specific individual's memory; it also revives the memories of tribes and species who lived on Ceiba many years ago.
The blue water from the plunge pool has the ability to mend a broken heart. According to legend, when Ceiba was attacked and the tribes fled for their lives, a woman cried at the waterfall. The water heard her, and the water transformed her sorrow into joy. All and any heart conditions can be cured by drinking the Proten waters.
According to legends, Proten guano from the Baceipions near the accident site washed out of the cave and into the plunge pool during a flood season. It came together to become the Plunge Pool Proten Monster. It coexists with the proten fish but prevents any other creature or species from entering the pool. If someone falls into the pool, the vibrations will awaken the beast, and the savage instinct will completely incapacitate the invader. Locals refer to it either as the Blue Killer or the Blue Guardian. It appears to safeguard the Proten Cave and Trondro Manga.
Ceiba requests the assistance of alien scientists for researching the chemical composition of the organic materials found within Proten Leaf. The goal is to extract the molecules responsible for the healing powers found in the Ceiban flora and fauna and use them to discover and develop their pharmacological possibilities.
Ceiba is also prepared to declare the Proten Cave a “Biosphere Reserve” in order to do further studies on the Baceipionsch and Spelothems. They welcome chriptologists (bat scientists), arachnologists (scorpion biologists), and speleologists to the reserve. The plan is to focus on research and development of medicines which would be a significant boon to all Hub worlds.